Żywiec-miasto mnóstwa możliwości

Żywiec - City of many possibilities' event was held on 24th of November. It was an unique opportunity to show the cultural and tourist richness of Żywiec City. On the stage of  Municipal Cultural Centre local groups performed such as Jukace, Asysta Żywiecka and Pilsko regional group who enchanted the audience with regional melodies. Presentations led by a member of Babiogórski division of Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK) Mr Grzegorz Szczepaniak and a story about discovering of Żywiec asteroid by Mr Michał Kusiak highlighted the tourist and scientific values of the region.
Among all attractions during "Żywiec - A City of Many Possibilities" event, important place was SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project stand, which effectively highlighted the modern and intellectual character of the City. The project presentation was focused on innovative technological solutions and their impact on local community life. SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution showed how modern technologies can support urban development, improve the quality of life of citizens and attract tourists looking for smart cities. The SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project stand, together with other which attend in event showed a consistent image of Żywiec as a City where tradition meets modernity,  a rich cultural and tourist offer is available all year long. We are delighted that our stand was visited by so many event participants!
Through various attractions and presentations, event organizers wanted to show, that Żywiec City is an attractive place all year long, not limited by seasonal events only. This initiative is to promote Żywiec City as a dynamic, vibrant City with a rich cultural and tourist offer.
This event was aimed at building of local and tourists awareness, that Żywiec is a place full of discoveries and unforgettable experiences.


Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/937-zywiec-city-many-possibilities